Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Day After Thanksgiving Vacation!

Greetings! Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving break. I was talking to the children today about all of the good food they ate as well as all of the activities they did. It sounded like everyone really enjoyed themselves! 

Today was a bit of a disjointed day in first grade. We began with Computer class and then headed to Guidance class. This afternoon we had play practice and previewed the Secret Santa shop. Despite all of those interruptions, we did manage to do some learning. 

In Religion class today we talked about the season of Advent. We discussed how this is a time of waiting for Jesus' birthday. We also talked about the candles on the Advent wreath. 

Language Arts was a short class today. We did kick off a new week of learning. We learned two new oral vocabulary words: immediately and schedule. We also talked about making predictions as we read A Second is a Hiccup. Finally, we looked at long a words. We will be reading more long a words tomorrow. 

In Math class today, we practiced four new skills. First, we learned how to carry on a number pattern to 20. Next we practiced identifying 1 more than and 1 less than a number. Once we were comfortable with that we did 2 more than and 2 less than a number. Finally, we practiced ordering numbers from least to greatest and from greatest to least. All of these skills came easy to the students. 

The highlight of the day came first thing this morning. When the students entered the room, they were greeted by our classroom elf, Jingles. Santa sent him to us for him to keep an eye on us during December. Each day we will be writing about where Jingles is hiding. 

Please remember that the students will be visiting the Secret Santa shop tomorrow. If you wish for your child to purchase Christmas gifts, please send money in a marked envelope to school tomorrow. 

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