Thursday, August 30, 2018

Gym Day!

Greetings on this first Thursday of the year. There was no doubt that today's highlight was Gym class. I was asked several times when it would be and loved hearing their enthusiasm for the class. 

But, before we got to Gym, there was learning to be had. In Religion class today we looked at the introductory chapter and discussed the different things we will be learning this year in first grade. 

In Language Arts class, we continued our review of the alphabet. Today we reviewed the letters r, n, and i. We also reviewed the words go, a, and can. As we reviewed our sight words, we partner read a decodable reader. Finally, we listened to a nonfiction story about elephants and practiced identifying details from the story. 

After our review, we did a Pete the Cat activity. First, we made a gigantic Pete the Cat. Then, inside his coat we matched rhyming words. The students not only did a good job with the rhyming but also with following directions to put everything together. My only regret is that I did not take any pictures of the final product. 

Then, it was time for Gym. Today we went outside to play and exercise on the playground. The students really enjoyed the class! 

Finally, it was time for Math. Today we talked about the terms more, fewer, and same. We created a picture showing socks and shoes and identified which had more and which had fewer. 

Tomorrow is Art day! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Warm Wednesday!

Greetings on this warm Wednesday! Yes, it was a bit hot outside, but we didn't let that interfere with our learning. 

Today, in Religion class, we continued our talk on kindness. We talked about ways we could be kind this school year and how kindness makes everyone feel happy. We then created jelly donuts with sprinkles. On each sprinkle we wrote a way to spread kindness. 

We continued our review in Language Arts today. We focused on the letters p and t. We also reviewed the words he and can. Finally, we read a poem and identified the rhyming words. 

In Math class, we again reviewed the numbers 0-10. The students were given a number and asked to show the number. We then completed pages in our workbook. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day. The students must wear their sneakers to school! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

On the Second Day of School . . .

On the second day of school . . . we worked hard to beat the heat. It never fails that it warms up just as school begins. We did our best to stay cool and took extra drink breaks. We will sure miss the heat once the cold weather comes. 

Despite the heat, we did have a great day in first grade. We are learning the routines and getting very good at them. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we read The Jelly Donut Difference, a story about sharing kindness. After reading the story, we talked about ways we can be kind in the classroom. 

Next, it was time for Language Arts. Today we began our review of concepts learned in kindergarten. We reviewed the letters s, m, and a. We also reviewed the sight words I, like, do, to, and you. And finally we worked on our comprehension skills as we listened to the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff and answered questions about the events in the story. 

In Math class today we practiced counting to 10. The students did an excellent job at identifying the numbers and showing the numbers. They were quite excited about their first homework assignment tonight. 

Enjoy your night! 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy First Day!

Welcome to First Grade! It was such a great day to kick off the school year!

 And welcome to our classroom blog! Each night I will be posting about all of the learning that took place during the day; I will also post pictures of our activities and projects. I hope you enjoy reading about our daily happenings in first grade! 

We began our day by unpacking and organizing all of our supplies. Thank you so much with your help with everything. I was truly overwhelmed today with all of the supplies. 

After that we read First Day Jitters. We talked about how we can get butterflies the first day of school. To help calm our jitters, we had a cup of jitter juice (a combination of Sprite and Hawaiian Punch). That helped calm all of our nerves. 

We ended the morning by discussing some classroom rules we should follow to help us be fantastic first graders. We used the book David Goes to School to help us. 

This afternoon we practiced writing the alphabet and had our first Math Meeting. We reviewed the calendar, practiced counting, and started our weather graph. 

We ended the day by writing about what our favorite part was. Many of the students wrote that they liked recess and music class. 

Sleep tight!