Tuesday, August 28, 2018

On the Second Day of School . . .

On the second day of school . . . we worked hard to beat the heat. It never fails that it warms up just as school begins. We did our best to stay cool and took extra drink breaks. We will sure miss the heat once the cold weather comes. 

Despite the heat, we did have a great day in first grade. We are learning the routines and getting very good at them. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we read The Jelly Donut Difference, a story about sharing kindness. After reading the story, we talked about ways we can be kind in the classroom. 

Next, it was time for Language Arts. Today we began our review of concepts learned in kindergarten. We reviewed the letters s, m, and a. We also reviewed the sight words I, like, do, to, and you. And finally we worked on our comprehension skills as we listened to the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff and answered questions about the events in the story. 

In Math class today we practiced counting to 10. The students did an excellent job at identifying the numbers and showing the numbers. They were quite excited about their first homework assignment tonight. 

Enjoy your night! 

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