Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Warm Wednesday!

Greetings on this warm Wednesday! Yes, it was a bit hot outside, but we didn't let that interfere with our learning. 

Today, in Religion class, we continued our talk on kindness. We talked about ways we could be kind this school year and how kindness makes everyone feel happy. We then created jelly donuts with sprinkles. On each sprinkle we wrote a way to spread kindness. 

We continued our review in Language Arts today. We focused on the letters p and t. We also reviewed the words he and can. Finally, we read a poem and identified the rhyming words. 

In Math class, we again reviewed the numbers 0-10. The students were given a number and asked to show the number. We then completed pages in our workbook. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day. The students must wear their sneakers to school! 

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