Thursday, September 13, 2018

Mission Accomplished!

Greetings! Today was such a fabulous day. The students came in with a mission today. They came ready to work and learn. Their mission was accomplished! 

In Religion class today we talked how God made each one of us special. We talked about our unique likes and talents. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words and short a words. We also practiced using words with inflectional ending -s in sentences. Next, we reviewed our sight words by reading the word wall. Our focus then switched to building our fluency and comprehension. We partner read two stories one from our decodable reader booklet and the story we read yesterday Nat and Sam. Then we read a short nonfiction piece about school rules and completed pages in our close reading companion. We ended class by reviewing sentences. The students were given an example and had to decide whether or not it was a sentence. 

For Gym class today we went outside to the parking lot. It was fun to see the students interact with each. They all had smiles on their faces. 

In Math class we continued our study of number bonds. Today we solved problems when given the whole and one part. We talked about how we can count up to the whole or count backwards to find the missing part. 

In Social Studies we talked about how we can be helpers in the classroom. 

Finally, it was time for our pizza party. The students really enjoyed their pizza (most had 2 slices) and juice box. Thank you to all the parents who attended the Home and School meeting to make this possible. 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day to end the week! 

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