Saturday, September 15, 2018

Scarecrow Fun!

Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good end to their work week. We had a busy yet fun day to end our week. 

In Religion class we talked about how God will always love us, how his love has no end. To help us remember this we read Guess How Much I Love You, a classic story about never ending love. 

This morning we had our annual Peacekeeper program. Today, the primary department got together and talked about how to be a friend and not a bully. We listened to the story Do Unto Otters to help us learn about being a good friend. 

We wrapped up our first week of Language Arts learning today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We read short a words and words with inflectional endings. We wrote sentences using our sight words. And we took our first weekly assessment. The key to that was being a good listener and following along. Finally, we practiced writing sentences remembering to use a capital letter and period. In between all of that work, we created an apple tree. On each apple we wrote a short a word. The students did very well at generating short a words. Have a look: 

After lunch we had our first visit to the library. Here we were reminded about how to take care of our books. We also learned how to look for books on the bookshelves. We will return to the library in two weeks to pick out our first book! 

In Math class today, we practiced solving problems involving number bonds. The students are doing very well with these. Next week, we will learn how to solve number bonds when only the whole is given. 

In Science class today we talked about all of the different coverings animals can have. We said that they can have feathers, fur, scales, and shells. Students then worked in groups sorting animals based on their coverings. 

Finally, it was time for Art. Today we made scarecrows. They turned out amazing. I think this is the best project so far all year. 

Here are two pictures. One is of the scarecrows and one is of the owls we made last week. Enjoy! 

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