Saturday, September 29, 2018

Celebrating Johnny Appleseed!

Greetings! Today was such a great day in first grade. We waited all week to make and eat applesauce. The students came in excited and stayed that way the whole day. 

We did begin our day by making the applesauce. All of the students got to help. They added the apples, water, sugar, and cinnamon to the crock pot. Once everything was added, we turned it on and waited for it to cook. 

In Religion class today we reviewed the Blessed Trinity. We made a triangle ornament to help us remember the Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity. This is one of my favorite projects to do with the students. Here is how they turned out: 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read l-blend words and plural words, and wrote sentences using our sight words. After that we took our weekly assessment and identified statements. We ended our morning by celebrating Johnny Appleseed. Yesterday we wrote facts about his life. Today we added those facts to a craft. We also wrote the steps we did to make applesauce. 

After lunch and recess, we headed to the Library to get our first library book of the year. Each Friday we will visit the library, hear a story, and pick a new book. Please make sure to return your child's library book each week! 

In Math class today, we continued to practice counting on. The key is to always start with the bigger number. 

In Science we learned all about insects. We know that they have 3 body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. We also know that they have 6 legs. We drew a diagram to help us remember this. 

After waiting all day, it was finally time to eat our applesauce. By this time, our room smelt very good. And the applesauce did not disappoint. All who tried it were very happy. Here is our applesauce: 

We ended our week with Art class. Today we made fall trees using tissue paper. The students were very creative today. Have a look: 

Enjoy your weekend! 

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