Friday, August 30, 2019

Welcome Fr. Brian!

Greetings! Happy Friday! We made it through our first full week of school. Yes, the students were tired by the end of today, but I am so proud for how hard they worked today. 

We began our day with Mass. Today, we officially welcomed Fr. Brian as pastor of Holy Name Church and School. We also said good-bye to Msgr. Lockard. It was so nice to see so many priests there to celebrate with us. As much as we will miss Msgr. Lockard and wish him well, we look forward to growing closer to Jesus with the help of Fr. Brian. 

We officially began first grade learning in Language Arts today. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (learn and subjects). We also practiced visualizing as we read the story This Year Will Be the Best. We finished the morning by learning how to blend and read short a words. 

This afternoon we learned four new sight words (does, not, school, and what). We then put all of our skills to work as we read Jack Can, a realistic fiction story about a boy in school. 

In Math class today we worked with number patterns. The students worked in groups to build number patterns using linking cubes. They quickly discovered that the patterns make steps. 

In Science class we talked about all of the different body coverings animals have. The students then worked in groups to sort animals based on their coverings. 

Finally it was time for Art class. Today we made giant pencils using construction paper. I loved seeing their creativity as they decorated them. Have a look: 

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! See you on Tuesday! 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Finishing our Review!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a great day! 

We began our day by going over to church. We spent time talking about proper church manners. We talked about how we should sit, stand, and kneel. We are quite excited to go to Mass tomorrow. Hopefully we will see some of you there. 

We finished our review in Language Arts today. We reviewed the letters g, w, x, v, q, j, y, and z. We also practiced the sight words see, said, was, and, have. In addition we practiced segmenting words (saying all the sounds in a word) and rhyming words. We also worked on our comprehension skills as we read a poem about space and a nonfiction piece about different kinds of transportation. Tomorrow we will begin first grade material. 

In Penmanship class we practiced the numbers 6-10. 

In Math class we continued to practice identifying the greatest and least number in a set. Today the students were given number cards. After hearing two numbers, they had to hold up the number that was the greatest. We also did this for the least number. 

Today we had our first Social Studies class of the year. We begin the year by talking about communities. Today we talked about how our families help us and what we learn from our families. 

Tomorrow will be an action-packed day. We have Mass, Art, and lots of learning to do! Sleep tight! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fantastic Fifth Day!

Greetings! Today was another fantastic day in first grade. We were quite excited for Gym class today. To the students, that was definitely the highlight!

In Religion class today we completed the introductory chapter in our Religion book. We briefly talked about all of the things we will be learning this year in first grade. 

We continued our review in Language Arts. Today we reviewed the letters b, l, k, ck, and u. We also practiced reading the sight words she, with, for, are, me. In addition, we practiced identifying rhyming words and blending phonemes. Finally, we built our comprehension skills as we read a poem and the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare."

This afternoon we finished our writing project from yesterday. We added a 'too bright' face to our writing. They look awesome in the hallway: 

In Penmanship, we reviewed writing the numbers 1-5. After that we headed outside for Gym. We could not go to the playground but instead played on the parking lot. They had lots of fun burning off end of summer energy! 

In Math class today we defined the terms greater and less. We used linking cubes to show two numbers an identified the greater number and the less number in each set. Once we got the hang of it, we put the cubes away and identified greater or less in a given set. 

Have a great night! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fabulous Fourth Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a fabulous day! We sure did in first grade! There is always so much to do in a day. 

In Religion class today we talked about what we can do to be good friends. We then wrote an example of what we can do to be good friends. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed the letters d, h, o, and e. We also practiced reading the words my, look, little, where, here, play, the, we. In addition we identified the beginning and ending sounds in words, segmented syllables, and blended phonemes (sounds) together. Finally, we worked on our comprehension skills as we read a fiction story ("Jack and the Beanstalk"), a poem about a rain forest, and a nonfiction piece about climates around the world. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we wrote about what we would like to learn this year in first grade. We will be adding our writing to a craft project tomorrow. 

In Penmanship class today we practiced writing the numbers 0, 6, 8, and 9. 

In Math class today we talked about the terms same, more, and fewer. We used lines of students to demonstrate the meaning of these words. Then we created a graph. One line was socks and the other line was shoes. We talked about which had more and which had fewer. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day. Wear your sneakers to school! 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Terrific Third Day!

Greetings on this terrific third day of school! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. It sure was a perfect weekend weather wise. 

We began our day with Religion class. We continued our talk about what it means to be a good friend. We reviewed tattling and telling. We also sorted pictures based on whether they were a good choice or a bad choice. 

We continued our review in Language Arts class. Today we reviewed the letters n, r, i, f, and c. We also reviewed sight words we learned in kindergarten (go, a, has, this, is). We worked on rhyming and segmenting syllables. In addition we worked on telling details from a story as we read a nonfiction piece about elephants. 

In Penmanship class, we practiced writing the numbers 2, 3, and 7. 

In Math class we continued to practice counting to 10. Today the students were given linking cubes and a ten frame. They were told a number and had to show that number on their frame. They did very well with this. 

We ended our day by working on a special project. On Friday, we have our first school Mass. At this Mass we will official welcome Fr. Brian as pastor of Holy Name School and say good-bye to Msgr. Lockard and thank him for all he did. We made cards for both of them to celebrate the day! 

Have a great night! 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Spectacular Second Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a spectacular Friday just like we did in first grade. We are learning our routines and settling in. We are working at paying attention and being good friends. 

We began our day with Religion. We will spend the first few days talking about being good friends and what that means. Today we read a Bad Case of Tattle Tongue and talked about when to tell and when not. We all agreed that a good friend does not tattle. 

To begin the year in Language Arts, we spend about a week reviewing skills learned in kindergarten. Today we reviewed the letters m, s, a, p, and t. We also reviewed some of the sight words learned (I, like, do, to, you, he, can). We practiced identifying rhyming words in poems and answered questions after reading a story. 

In Penmanship class, we practiced writing the numbers 1, 4, and 5. 

In Math class, we worked with the numbers 1-10. The students were put into groups. Each group was given a bag with blocks inside. They put the blocks on a ten frame and then colored their ten frame to match the number of blocks. We then worked together to order the ten frames from 1-10. They did great with this! 

We begin Science class by studying animals. Today we sorted animals into various groups. We did big/small, fly/don't fly, and swim/don't swim. 

Finally, it was time for Art. Today we made a caterpillar. On each circle of our caterpillar, we wrote a letter of our name. We glued to caterpillar on a giant leaf. They look awesome. I can't wait to display them in the hallway! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fun in First Grade!

Welcome everyone to First Grade! This year will be a fun and exciting time. We will learn a lot, grow a lot, laugh a lot, and smile a lot. I am so excited for the school year! 

And welcome to our classroom blog. Every night I will post about the things that we did in school that day. When possible I will also add pictures. The goal is to keep you informed about all that we do in first grade. 

We began our day by unpacking and organizing all of our supplies. The students did a great job with this. I was quite pleased at how well they followed directions. 

From there we read First Day Jitters, a funny story about someone not wanting to go to school on the first day. The students enjoyed the surprised ending! And, because we all had jitters this morning, we had some jitter juice to help calm our nerves. 

After that we read David Goes to School and talked about what fantastic first graders do. We then reviewed our classroom reward systems. 

This afternoon we got to know each other better. We answered questions about ourselves. We even created a person and wrote about some of our favorite things. 

Next, we had our first Math Meeting of the year. Every morning, we will gather to discuss concepts related to the calendar, practice counting, identifying place value concepts, and create a weather graph. 

Finally, we ended our day with a craft project. We wrote about our favorite part of the day. We added our writing to make an apple. 

It was a fantastic first day. I am so excited for the rest of the year!