Thursday, August 29, 2019

Finishing our Review!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a great day! 

We began our day by going over to church. We spent time talking about proper church manners. We talked about how we should sit, stand, and kneel. We are quite excited to go to Mass tomorrow. Hopefully we will see some of you there. 

We finished our review in Language Arts today. We reviewed the letters g, w, x, v, q, j, y, and z. We also practiced the sight words see, said, was, and, have. In addition we practiced segmenting words (saying all the sounds in a word) and rhyming words. We also worked on our comprehension skills as we read a poem about space and a nonfiction piece about different kinds of transportation. Tomorrow we will begin first grade material. 

In Penmanship class we practiced the numbers 6-10. 

In Math class we continued to practice identifying the greatest and least number in a set. Today the students were given number cards. After hearing two numbers, they had to hold up the number that was the greatest. We also did this for the least number. 

Today we had our first Social Studies class of the year. We begin the year by talking about communities. Today we talked about how our families help us and what we learn from our families. 

Tomorrow will be an action-packed day. We have Mass, Art, and lots of learning to do! Sleep tight! 

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