Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fun in First Grade!

Welcome everyone to First Grade! This year will be a fun and exciting time. We will learn a lot, grow a lot, laugh a lot, and smile a lot. I am so excited for the school year! 

And welcome to our classroom blog. Every night I will post about the things that we did in school that day. When possible I will also add pictures. The goal is to keep you informed about all that we do in first grade. 

We began our day by unpacking and organizing all of our supplies. The students did a great job with this. I was quite pleased at how well they followed directions. 

From there we read First Day Jitters, a funny story about someone not wanting to go to school on the first day. The students enjoyed the surprised ending! And, because we all had jitters this morning, we had some jitter juice to help calm our nerves. 

After that we read David Goes to School and talked about what fantastic first graders do. We then reviewed our classroom reward systems. 

This afternoon we got to know each other better. We answered questions about ourselves. We even created a person and wrote about some of our favorite things. 

Next, we had our first Math Meeting of the year. Every morning, we will gather to discuss concepts related to the calendar, practice counting, identifying place value concepts, and create a weather graph. 

Finally, we ended our day with a craft project. We wrote about our favorite part of the day. We added our writing to make an apple. 

It was a fantastic first day. I am so excited for the rest of the year! 

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