Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fantastic Fifth Day!

Greetings! Today was another fantastic day in first grade. We were quite excited for Gym class today. To the students, that was definitely the highlight!

In Religion class today we completed the introductory chapter in our Religion book. We briefly talked about all of the things we will be learning this year in first grade. 

We continued our review in Language Arts. Today we reviewed the letters b, l, k, ck, and u. We also practiced reading the sight words she, with, for, are, me. In addition, we practiced identifying rhyming words and blending phonemes. Finally, we built our comprehension skills as we read a poem and the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare."

This afternoon we finished our writing project from yesterday. We added a 'too bright' face to our writing. They look awesome in the hallway: 

In Penmanship, we reviewed writing the numbers 1-5. After that we headed outside for Gym. We could not go to the playground but instead played on the parking lot. They had lots of fun burning off end of summer energy! 

In Math class today we defined the terms greater and less. We used linking cubes to show two numbers an identified the greater number and the less number in each set. Once we got the hang of it, we put the cubes away and identified greater or less in a given set. 

Have a great night! 

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