Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Preparing for Lent!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is having a good day. We had a busy day in first grade. 

We spent more time in Religion class today talking about Lent. We reviewed the facets of Lent and discussed what each one of us can do to grow closer to God during Lent. We focused a lot of attention on praying. The students created folded hands and wrote a prayer that they can pray during the Lenten season. 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers. We then jumped back into our weekly learning. We answered questions using our oral vocabulary words and used our letter tiles to spell and read long e words. After that we learned how to blend and read compound words. Next we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words  in sentences. Finally, we reread From Puppy to Guide Dog and sequenced the steps in training a dog. 

This afternoon we read our decodable reader and sequenced those steps in the story. We then learned about the different sentences in a paragraph. We know that the topic sentence tells what the paragraph is about, that the detail sentences tell more about the topic, and the last or concluding sentence sums everything up. After learning this, the students had to sequence the sentences in a paragraph. We will begin writing paragraphs next week! 

In Math class today we used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. We had to take our time on one and think about it before we drew it. 

Just a reminder that Mass tomorrow is at 9:30. We will have Gym in the afternoon. Have a good night! 

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