Monday, February 24, 2020

The Last Week of February?!

Greetings! Welcome to the last week of February! It is hard to believe that this month is almost over. Where has the time gone? 

In Religion class today we began our discussion on Lent. We talked about the 3 facets of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and gave examples of different things we can do for each facet. 

We began Language Arts by working in our literacy centers. We then jumped in and began a new week of learning. We learned our oral vocabulary words (soothe, remarkable, trust, advice, and career). We worked on asking and answering questions as we read a folktale about a dog trainer in China. From there we learned how to blend and read long e words spelled -ey and -y. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We ended our morning by reading From Puppy to Guide Dog, a nonfiction story about how a puppy learns to be a guide dog. 

This afternoon in class we learned about adverbs that tell when. We practiced identifying them in sentences. 

In Penmanship class this week we will be practicing the letters n and N. 

In Spanish class today we reviewed the names for our family. We drew a picture of our family and labeled each person in Spanish. 

In Math class today we worked with number patterns. We first used linking cubes to help us identity the pattern. We then switched to our markers to help us write the patterns. Some patterns were easier than others. Once we thought about some of them, they became easy. 

As promised, here is a picture from Friday's art class. They look so pretty in the hall: 

Have a great night! 

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