Thursday, August 20, 2020

On the Third Day of School . . .

 Greetings! I hope everyone had a fantastic day! We had another fantastic day in first grade. 

This morning in Religion we read The Jelly Donut Difference and talked about the importance of being kind to others especially our classmates. We recorded all of the ways that we can be nice in our classroom. We will use this list tomorrow to complete a project. 

In Language Arts today we continued to review. We reviewed the letters p, t, and a along with the words do, to, you, he, can. In addition we practiced identifying the beginning and middle sounds in words. We even blended and read some words, too. 

We attempted to use our tablets today but not all were cooperating. I think I figured out the clinch and am hoping things work better tomorrow. 

In Math class today we practiced identifying and counting to 10. Using linking cubes and a ten frame, the students showed an amount for a given number. For example, if I said "4" the students put four linking cubes on the 10 frame. After that, the students placed number cards on their desks. I said a number and they had to hold up that number. They did very well with everything. 

For Gym we headed outside. They are doing very well playing on the parking lot and staying distant from each other. 

Finally, it was time for Social Studies. We talked about covering our coughs and sneezes and created a craft project to help us remember to do so. We also talked about things we do with our families. 

Have a great night! 

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