Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Welcome Back!

 Welcome Back! We missed you! It was so nice to see everyone today. It was a fantastic start to first grade! 

My name is Miss Ashley Chalich. I am excited to be your child's teacher this year. I will update this blog every night with the daily happenings in first grade. My goal is to keep you informed of the education going on in first grade. 

Today was a great day! Everyone was so excited to be back. And everyone left tired. We began our day by unpacking and organizing our supplies. Thank you for getting them. After that we put our books in our desk. 

Then it was time for a story. We read First Day Jitters. We talked about how we felt this morning. To help calm our nerves, we had some jitter juice. Needless to say that helped a lot. 

After that we read David Goes to School. We talked about what it means to be a fantastic first grader. We promised to be kind and respectful, listen, and follow the rules. 

This afternoon we had our first Math Meeting. During our Math Meeting we review skills related to the calendar, time, and graphing. We will have a Math Meeting every day in the morning. 

Finally, we spent some time talking about why we wear masks. We know that we wear them to protect ourselves from germs. The students got to design a mask on a person. I loved seeing their creativity. 

Have a wonderful night! 

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