Saturday, August 29, 2020

Our First Friday!

Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good week. We had a good day to end our first full week of first grade.

In Religion class we talked about how God gave us special gifts and made each one of us special. We talked about how we all like different things but how God loves each one of us so much. 

We wrapped up our review of the alphabet in Language Arts. We looked at the letters x, q, v, j, y, and z. We also practiced rhyming and segmenting words into individual sounds. In addition we reviewed the last of our kindergarten sight words. 

After our review was over, we listened to If You Take a Mouse to School. We then talked about what would happen if a mouse came to school. We wrote out idea and then added it to a cute mouse craft. 

We ended our morning by logging into Epic Reading. This year we will not be able to visit the library. So, we will be using Epic Reading instead to help build our reading skills. 

In Math class today we looked at number patterns. The students used their linking cubes to show the numbers in a pattern. They did very good with this. 

We had our first Science class today. Today we talked about all the ways we can group animals. We completed an activity in Seesaw where the students sorted animals into different groups. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we created a rocket ship using squares. On each square, we wrote a letter of our name. We added foam stars around our ship. These will be displayed in the hallway for all to see. 

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday! 

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