Monday, April 26, 2021

The Last Week of April!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter on the Eucharist. We reviewed the events of the Last Supper, recalled that the Eucharist is Jesus' Body and Blood, and talked about we join with our parish to celebrate Mass. 

We began Language Arts by working in our small reading groups. We then jumped into another week of learning; this week we will be talking about the weather and how it affects us. We learned our five oral vocabulary words (cycle, predict, creative, frigid, scorching). We then worked one visualizing as we read a tall tale about Paul Bunyan. Next, we learned how to blend and read words with the silent letters wr, kn, and gn. Following that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We ended the morning by reading Wrapped in Ice, a realistic fiction story about an ice storm. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we identified some special pronouns, words like anybody, someone, nothing. We also began to learn how to write a narrative paragraph. We read Owl Moon and illustrated what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Tomorrow we will write our narrative paragraph. 

In Math class today we continued to compare numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. Some problems required us to think a bit before we could solve the problem. 

Just a reminder that book orders are due tomorrow. Have a great night! 

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