Thursday, April 1, 2021

A Visit from the Easter Bunny!

 Greetings! Today, when the students walked in, there was a basket from the Easter Bunny on their desk. It did not take them long to tear into them. I just loved seeing their excitement and smiles under the masks. And, to top it off, the Easter Bunny even left a note on the board. What a great way to start our day! 

In Religion class today, we focused on the events of Good Friday. We talked about how Jesus died on the cross for us. We created a stained-glass Good Friday scene using watercolor paints. These scenes are displayed in the hallway for all to see. 

After our Math Meeting, we wrote a short jelly bean poem that helps us remember what each color jelly bean can stand for during the Easter season. We added jelly beans to our poem to create a special poster. 

And, before we knew it, it was time to go home. May you and your family have a blessed Easter! See you on Tuesday! 

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