Friday, September 24, 2021

A is for Applesauce!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! Today was another exciting day in first grade! 

All week we have been studying apples and learning about Johnny Appleseed. To conclude our learning, we made applesauce today. After Mass, we added the apples, sugar, water, and cinnamon to the crock pot. We turned it on, and let the magic happen while we learned. 

Before making applesauce, we went to Mass. Today Fr. Brian reminded us about our call to tell others about Jesus. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. Next, to help us review reading l-blend words, we did a write the room activity. I placed 12 word cards around the room; the students walked around the room and wrote each word in the correct space on their paper. They loved it so much that they asked to do it again! After that we wrote sentences using our sight words and took our weekly assessment. 

To practice our writing skills, we wrote the steps in how we made our applesauce. And, for a little fun and practice, we made a flower. On each petal, we wrote an l-blend word. 

In Math class today, we took our test on number bonds. Next week, we will begin to learn strategies to solve addition problems. 

In Science class today, we watched videos about the four needs of all animals: food, water, air, and shelter. Then, we completed a sorting activity in Seesaw. 

In Art class today, we made a leaf silhouette. We glued strips of scrapbook paper on construction paper. We then glued an outline of a leaf on top of it. They look awesome. 

Then, after waiting all day, it was time to enjoy our applesauce. As the students said, they didn't like it, they loved it! And I loved seeing their excitement. Have a great weekend! 

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