Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Very Rainy Day!

 Greetings! I hope all are well and dry! It sure was a wet day out there! We had a great day of shortened learning!

In Religion class, we talked about how we need to thank God for all of the gifts he has given us. We took time to name just some of his gifts and thank him for them. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed k, ck, and u. We also blended words together and segmented them into sounds. Finally, we worked on telling the difference between fiction and nonfiction stories as we read the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare."

In Math class we worked on identifying more and less in a group. We used linking cubes to help us and then transition to just using our minds. 

And then, it was time to go home. Again, I hope all is well. Stay safe! 

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