Thursday, September 2, 2021

Being Peacekeepers!

 Greetings! I hope everyone has dried out after yesterday. It was good to have a full day of school today!

In Religion class, we talked about how God wants us to pray to him. We can use our own words or pray prayers we know. We also learned that Jesus taught us the Our Father. 

In Language Arts, we finished our review today. We finished our remaining letters and sight words. We are now ready to begin first grade reading tomorrow!

In Math class today, we used our whiteboards and dry erase markers to identify the greater and less number in a set. The children had fun using them!

For Gym, we headed outside. It was such a perfect day for exercising with friends!

We ended our day with our peacekeeper lesson. We talked about how when we are peacekeepers we are kind. We listed several examples of us being kind. We wrote about them. We will add them to a craft coloring sheet tomorrow. 

Have a great night! 

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