Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Honoring the Saints!

 Greetings! Today was such a beautiful day in first grade as we celebrated All Saints' Day. It was a day were we remember our baptismal call to be saints. 

At Mass this morning, Fr. Brian reminded us about our baptismal call to be saints. He had us all promise that one day we will be saints in heaven. 

After Mass, we went back to our classroom for some Math fun. Today we learned about dividing shapes into halves and fourths (or quarters). We had fun folding our circles, squares, and triangles. 

This afternoon was quite special in first grade as we participated in the All Saints' Day prayer service. The students could not wait to dress as their saint. They sat so reverently around the altar as our 8th grade friends read short biographies about the saints. This prayer service just reminds us even more about our call to be saints through our prayers and actions. Thank you to everyone who attended today. 

Have a great night! 

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