Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Shape Pizzas!

 Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a great day! 

In Religion class today we talked about how God promised to send us a Savior who would open the gates of Heaven for us. We know that Savior to be Jesus. 

In Language Arts class we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, practiced reading words with the digraphs sh, th, and ng and words with closed syllables. We also practiced our sight words by playing a favorite game "Don't Draw the Turkey". To help build our fluency we partner read a story from our decodable reader booklets. We also read a nonfiction piece about kids helping in neighborhoods. After reading that story we completed pages in our close reading companion that focused on finding key details in the text. We ended the morning by practicing writing proper nouns correctly. 

In Math class today, we looked at designs using our solid shapes. We identified the number of each solid shape used in the design. After that, it was time for some Math shape fun. The students created their own Shape Pizza. The added circles (pepperoni), squares (mushrooms), trapezoids (peppers), rectangles (onions), and triangles (sausage). The students had lots of fun cooking their own pizzas. 

Have a great night! 

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