Thursday, February 16, 2023

Learning About Lent!

 Greetings! Happy Thursday! We had a great day in first grade wrapping up our week. The children are really excited about their four day weekend! 

In Religion class today we continued our study of Lent. We watched a Brother Francis video about Lent. He talked to us again about praying, fasting, and helping others during this Lenten season. After the video, we wrote about someone we can pray for, something we can give up, and ways to be kind. We added our writing to a craft. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts; this week we will be reading about insects. We began by learning five new oral vocabulary words (flutter, different, imitate, protect, and resemble). We then worked on visualizing as we read about how certain insects protect themselves. Next, we learned how to blend and read long i words spelled i, ie, y, and igh. Following that, we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. To put everything together, we read Creep Low, Fly High. Finally, we practiced using see and saw in sentences. 

In Math class today, we played memory where we matched clocks to their digital times. 

We ended our week with Social Studies. Today, we celebrated George Washington. After reading books about him, we wrote four facts. We then added them to a craft. 

Have a great weekend! See you on Tuesday! 

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