Saturday, January 18, 2025

March of the Penguins!

 Greetings! Happy Friday! Today was a great day to end another week of learning in first grade! 

At Mass this morning, we heard the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man. Fr. Brian reminded us that he can always turn to Jesus when we need healing. 

We finished another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, wrote sentences using our sight words, and took our weekly assessment. Yesterday, we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. Today, we talked about our dreams for the world. We wrote about our dreams and added it to a craft. 

We also wrapped up our week of penguin learning. Today, we wrote about something we would do if we were a penguin. We added that writing to a craft as well. 

In Math class today, we began our chapter on calendar and time. Today we reviewed the days of the week, months of the year, and practiced finding a date from a given date. 

In Science class we talked about light. We learned the words opaque (can't see through), translucent (can kind of see through), and transparent (can see through). We sorted objects based on these words. We also created a picture using tissue paper. We hung them on the window to see if light could easily pass through it). 

We ended our day with Art. Today, we made penguins. Thank you for sending in the bottles. We had lots of fun making these adorable penguins. 

Have a great weekend! Stay warm! 

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