Saturday, November 8, 2014

End of the First Week of November!

Greetings! Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that the first week of November has come and gone. 

We began our day by attending Mass. We were reminded through the readings to be Christ like for others through our words and actions. 

We wrapped up our story in Language Arts class. We reviewed long i and digraphs wh, ch, and tch; we also practiced our sight words. We then took a test on the story. Finally, we practiced writing special titles correctly. 

In Math class, we used the designs we created on Wednesday to identify those that we identical. Students worked great in groups sorting and identifying identical designs. 

For Science class today, we looked at different habitats around the world. We looked at deserts, forests, and oceans. Students were then asked to draw animals or plants found in each one. 

Finally, for art class today, we made Thanksgiving turkeys. On each feather, students wrote something they are thankful for. They turned out great! 

Just a reminder that Monday is Parent-Teacher Conferences. The students are off on Tuesday as well. See you on Wednesday! 

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