Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a great day and made it to and  from safely today. We had an action packed day in first grade. 

We began our day by attending Mass. Msgr. reminded us to thank God every day for all that we have. 

Back in the classroom, we did many Thanksgiving activities. First, we reviewed the life of Pilgrim boys and girls by completing a Venn Diagram. We listed all the ways Pilgrim boys and girls are the same and how they are different. We then wrote a sentence describing something we would do if we were a Pilgrim boy or girl. Next, we added that sentence to a Pilgrim craft. Here are two samples: 

Next we read the story This is the Feast and talked about the first Thanksgiving. We made a small booklet to help us remember this event. 

We followed that up by reading Turkey Trouble. In this hilarious book, a turkey tries to disguise himself as different animals so that the farmer doesn't catch him. We then reviewed the different disguises and made our own disguise for the turkey. 

Finally, we created a bar graph which shows our favorite Thanksgiving foods. As you can see from the graph below, turkey and corn are our favorites while stuffing is least liked. 

I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with your families and friends! See you on Tuesday! 

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