Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Singing and Learning

Happy Wednesday! Today was a wonderful day in first grade. The students did such a wonderful job singing their song for the Christmas CD. It was beautiful to listen to. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus died on the cross for us and rose to new life on Easter Sunday. We talked briefly about these days but will cover them more in depth when it is Easter time. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed long i words and the digraphs wh, ch, and tch. We also choral read our story The Big Circle. Tonight the students will be reading it with you. I hope you enjoy it! 

In Math class today we learned two new sets of facts: subtracting a number from itself (4-4, etc.) and subtracting 0 facts (4-0). The students discovered that these new facts are quite easy. 

For Social Studies class today, we talked about the Mayflower by reading the book On the Mayflower. We then wrote facts about the Mayflower and created a small booklet. We will be finishing these booklets up and sending them home tomorrow. 

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