Friday, November 14, 2014

The First Day of Snow!

Happy Friday! Today was a crazy yet fun day of learning in first grade. One of the highlights was being able to put a snow tag on our weather graph. The students were so excited about it! 

A special thank you goes out to the Home and School Association for providing our special program today. We learned about Internet Safety from Faux Paw the Cat. We learned not to tell anyone our name or address online and to always have a parent around when we are on the Internet. 

In Religion class today, we talked about how the people welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. We learned that they waved palm branches and shouted 'hosanna'. 

During Language Arts class today, we blended and read the contractions n't, 'm, and 'll. The students did a fabulous job reading these words. We also sorted words based on their contractions; here is how our chart turned out: 

Finally in Language Arts, we practiced reading our new sight words. 

In Math class today we practiced counting dimes. We also practiced showing various amounts using the dimes. 

For Science class today, we wrapped up our study of living and nonliving things and habitats by reviewing what we learned. 

Finally, in art, we made scarecrows. I think they turned out adorable. 

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm! 

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