Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Back to the Gym

Greetings! Today was such a normal, calm day compared to yesterday. It was nice getting back into our routine. 

In Religion class today, we switched our focus from Advent back to the life of Jesus. In the chapter we began today, we will study the life of Jesus after he rose from the dead. Today we learned how Jesus visited his followers to let them know that he is alive. 

In Language Arts class, we learned to blended and read words with the inflected ending -ed. We also learned that when we add -ed to a word, it makes the word past tense. In addition, we learned and practiced reading our new sight words. We talked about plural nouns. For writing, we began an elf journal. Each day the students will write where Jingles is hiding and then draw a picture. Today, Jingles was hiding on the bookshelf. Here is a picture: 

In Math class, we learned how to count dimes and pennies together. We used our coins to help us practice this skill. 

Finally, we made it back to the gym for gym class. We were quite excited about this. Today we played a favorite game 'Alligator, Alligator.' 

Have a great night! 

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