Sunday, December 14, 2014

O Christmas Tree

Greetings! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I have been busy getting ready for Christmas by baking cookies. It is hard to believe that we have only one more week of school before Christmas break. Where has the time gone? 

In Religion class on Friday, we wrapped up our our study of the Holy Spirit coming to Jesus' friends. The students illustrated what happened at Pentecost. 

During Language Arts class, we learned to blend and read VCCV syllable words. To do this, we break the word into two small parts (between the double consonants), read each small word, and then put it together to read the whole word. We also practiced our sight words. In addition, we identified nouns in sentences. 

Finally, we wrote about how to decorate a Christmas tree. Then it was time to decorate one! Here is our classroom Christmas tree: 

Next, we made a Christmas tree using strips of green paper. We added white fingerprints around the tree as snow. They turned out awesome. 

In Math class today, we solved a problem by looking for a pattern. 

During Science class, we wrapped up our study of the properties of matter. We reviewed characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases. 

Finally, for art class, we made gingerbread houses. Students were given a gingerbread house and they decorated it using foam shapes, buttons, and sequins. They turned out wonderful! I'll post pictures tomorrow. 

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend! 

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