Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Play, Part 2

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas play tonight. The students worked so hard and did such a fabulous job! 

We had one busy day in first grade before the excitement of tonight. In Religion class today, we read the story The Christmas Baby and then designed our own Nativity scenes. They did a great job on them. Here is a sample: 

In Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Honey Bees. We reviewed long e: ee, syllables VCCV, and our sight words. We then took a test on the story. We also practiced finding nouns in sentences. 

During Math class today we practiced the adding 2 facts. We used a wrap-up to help us do this. 

We finally had gym class today! The students were so excited and waited all morning for this. Today we played a game where we talked about healthy foods and unhealthy foods. We learned the importance of exercising and eating healthy. 

For Social Studies class today we talked about weather in the different seasons. Students illustrated activities they do in each season. 

Now, for some Christmas fun. Yesterday we read the story Santa's Stuck and wrote about what we would do if we found Santa stuck in our chimney. Here is how that project turned out: 

Today we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We then illustrated or wrote how we would make the Grinch grin. Here are some pictures: 

Finally, we made Christmas ornaments out of clay and painted them. They came home today. And here is how they turned out: 

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