Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wonderful Day of Learning

Greetings and Happy Thursday! Today was a wonderful day full of learning in first grade! 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his followers. We also talked about how the Holy Spirit would help his followers teach others about Jesus, help others, and love one another. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed long u, long e, and inflected ending -ed. We also reviewed our sight words. Then, it was time to read our story Life in the Forest. The students loved reading about the animals and plants in the forest. After reading the story, we practiced identifying one and more than one. 

In Math class today, we studied lines of symmetry. We first looked at what a line of symmetry is and how both sides are symmetrical. We then made Christmas trees and identified the line of symmetry on them. You should have seen their faces when they opened up their trees after cutting them. The awe and amazement was something else. 

Tomorrow will be a busy and exciting end to the week. 

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