Friday, September 4, 2015

Give a Hoot!

Happy Friday! We had a wonderful day in first grade learning, reviewing, and having fun. Our day began with our first school Mass of the year. Msgr. Lockard reminded us to call upon the Holy Spirit to help us this year as we learn new material. 

Back in the classroom, we reviewed short a and final ck words by locating these words in sentences. We also took a test on our story Sam, Come Back. Finally, we reviewed sentences by identifying them on a worksheet. 

In Math class today we created a bar graph. Each student was given a die. They rolled the die and then colored  graph showing what number they rolled. When we were finished, we talked about the graphs and identified the column with the most and the column with the least. 

For Science class today we discussed ways animals move. For an activity, students were given a card with the picture of an animal on it; they had to act out how that animal moves. They loved doing this! 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made owls. We traced, cut, and glued the owls' body, wings, and eyes. We then used celery to stamp feathers on the owl. They look so cool! 

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

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