Thursday, September 3, 2015

Learning in the Heat!

Greetings! Today was a busy day in first grade. We are really excited about all of the new things we are learning. 

In Religion class today we went over to the church and reviewed our Church manners. We also practiced blessing ourselves with Holy Water and praying "Jesus, in the blessed sacrament, I adore you" as we kneel to enter the pew. We are very excited for our first Mass tomorrow. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our high frequency words and the consonants. We then practiced identifying the beginning and ending sounds in a word. Next, we partner read our story which is helping to build our fluency skills. Finally, we reviewed sentences. The students are so good at knowing what makes a sentence a sentence. 

For gym class today, we went outside. They had so much fun playing with their friends. By the end of class, we were all sweaty and tired. 

During Math class today we made a pictograph showing how we come to school. We then practiced identifying left and right. We danced to the Hokey Pokey to help us do this. 

Finally, in Social Studies class today we talked about being classroom helpers. We discussed that when he help we show others that we care. We then listed ways that we can be helpers in our classroom. 

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