Saturday, September 12, 2015


Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good day to end their week. We had a busy day in first grade to end ours. 

In Religion class, we read about how God promised to send his Son, Jesus to help and guide us. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words, short a and short i words, and final ck and x words. We then partner read our story and talked about the difference between realism and fantasy. The students wrote sentences telling what pigs can and cannot do. Finally, we reviewed the action part of the sentence. 

In Math class, we learned how to solve a word problem. First we learned the four steps in solving a problem: understand, plan, solve, and check. Then, we talked about the strategy we used to solve the word problem; today we used logical reasoning. We will continue to solve problems using different strategies throughout the year. 

We discussed different animal coverings in Science class today. We talked about how fur, feathers, scales, and shells help protect animals. We then used magnifying glasses to observe feathers. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made scarecrows. They turned out really nice! Have a look:

Have a fantastic weekend!

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