Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Blessed Trinity

Happy Tuesday! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine as much as we are in first grade. 

In Religion class today, we learned about the Blessed Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We learned that those 3 persons make one God and that they are joined together by love. We made an ornament using popsicle sticks to help us remember the Blessed Trinity. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read -s plural words; we also talked about how adding an s to the end of a word changes its meaning. In addition we practiced reading our sight words. We then reviewed the action part in the sentence by identifying them in sentences. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers where we practiced our fluency and comprehension skills. 

In Math class today, we talked about attributes of triangles. We then sorted shapes based on whether they were triangles or not. We continued practicing sorting rules by sorting ourselves into different categories i. e. boy/girl, white socks/not white socks, glasses/no glasses, etc. 

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