Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy 100th Day of School!

It was quite an exciting week in first grade. We celebrated Catholic's Schools Week, Groundhog Day, and the 100th Day of School. Each day brought its own festivities and fun. Not only did we celebrate but we also learned new things too. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus celebrated God's love. We then discussed ways we celebrate God's love. Finally, we learned that Jesus gave us the sacraments to help us remember God's life and love. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words, r-controlled er, ir, and ur words, and contractions. Knowing all of these words helped us read I'm a Caterpillar where we learned all about the life cycle of the butterfly. We even made a diagram to help us remember the different stages. I put a picture below. In Grammar, we continued our discussion on the verbs am, is, are, was, and were. 

In Math class we continued to learn and practice the doubles plus 1 facts. To help us, we played two games: Match-Up and Concentration. We are slowly beginning to learn these facts. 

In Science class we continued our discussion about teeth. We watched a movie on the importance of brushing our teeth. We then did an experiment using hard boiled eggs soaked in Coke. Students worked in pairs to brush the egg; they learned that when we don't brush our teeth will become brown and that it takes a lot of scrubbing to get our teeth white again. 

We began Art class by reading The Biggest Valentine Ever. We then used hearts to make the Valentine mouse that was in the story. Have a look. 

Now for the week's celebrations. On Monday, we predicted whether or not Phil would see his shadow. On Tuesday, we wrote why we were happy or sad that Phil did not see his shadow. Then we pretended we were a groundhog and answered questions. Here's pictures from our activities: 

Thursday marked the 100th day of school. The entire day was full of fun and exciting 100th day activities. Students worked in groups to build a design using 100 of some type of objects. They made a snake using 100 linking cubes, a snowflake using 100 pattern blocks, and a tower castle using 100 cups. Students then made a portrait of themselves at 100 years old and wrote what they would do when they are 100. Finally, using the digits 1, 0, 0 students made a design. Here are pictures of the portraits: 

This week was also Catholic School's Week. We enjoyed eating lunch with our parents and other family members on Tuesday. We loved playing Bingo with Mr. Rhoades and we enjoyed our movie afternoon. Thank you to everyone who helped this week! Thank you to everyone for making Holy Name School a great place! 

Enjoy the Superbowl! 

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