Sunday, February 21, 2016

Our First Snow Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Yesterday was absolutely beautiful. It was so hard to stay inside. If only this weather would last. 

This week was even shorter than planned thanks to our first snow day. Nevertheless, we still learned lots of new skills in first grade this week. 

We wrapped up our study about the Lenten season by reviewing ways to grow closer to God during this time. We also began our study on the Corporal Works of Mercy. Each week in Lent we will focus on a Corporal Work and explore ways that we can live this work of mercy. This week we talked about giving food to the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty. We said that when we donate food to the food pantry, give someone a glass of water, or cleaning the dishes are all ways that we live out this work of mercy. 

In Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read long a words spelled wither ai or ay. We also learned about possessives. In addition we learned our new sight words. This will help us as we read our story Mama's birthday Present next week. In addition to that we talked about adjectives. We learned that they are words to describe nouns. We will continue to practice identifying adjectives next week. Finally, we wrote our first persuasive paragraph; it was on why we love camping. 

During Math class this week, we learned how to count a large collection of objects by putting them into groups of 10. We also learned about place value. Finally, we learned how to trade pennies for dimes. This will help us next week as we learn how to add with regrouping. 

In Social Studies this week, we identified the countries that border the United States. We labeled them on a map and talked about how all the countries are the same and different. In Science, we sorted various foods into different food groups. We then drew an example of each food group on our own myPlate worksheet. 

Finally it was time for Art. This week we made a relief painting. Students painted fingerprints around a heart. I'll post pictures of the project next week!

Enjoy your Sunday! 

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