Saturday, February 27, 2016

Celebrations Abound!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a fantastic week! We had an awesome week in first grade filled with learning and celebrations! 

We began our Religion class this week by talking about the Corporal Work of Mercy of sheltering the homeless. We talked about ways to help those who are homeless and ways to help out at home. We spent the rest of the week learning about the Seven Sacraments. We looked at each one and talked about it. We also made a cross with symbols of each sacrament. Here are a few examples. 

We continued our story Mama's  Birthday Present this week in Language Arts class. We reviewed our phonics skills we learned last week (long a: ai, ay and possessives) as well as our sight words. This helped us when reading the story. We really enjoyed this story as we learned all about Spanish birthday traditions. Also in Language Arts, we continued our study of adjectives as we practiced identifying them in sentences. In writing, we wrote a persuasive paragraph on why we love the zoo. It is amazing to see their growth in writing. 

The highlight of Language Arts class this week was our fiesta on Thursday. We had a pinata which rained down sight words. The students loved the confetti eggs. It was fun bringing these Spanish traditions alive in our classroom. 

During Math class this week, we practiced adding two two-digit numbers with regrouping; we used our dimes and pennies to help us solve these problems. We also learned how to tell time to the half hour and divide a shape into fourths. Finally, we practiced adding 10 to a number. 

In Social Studies class this week, we celebrated George Washington. We read a biography about his life. Taking the facts from the book, we made a poster with them. Have a look at a finished poster: 

Friday was all about Dr. Seuss. It was our annual celebration about his life and books! We read several books and completed several activities. First we read If I Ran the Zoo and then created our own animal for this new zoo. Next we read Yertle the Turtle and talked about why he wasn't a good king. We made our own Yertle the turtle and wrote about him. Then we read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish. Each student was then given a cup of goldfish crackers. We graphed the crackers and then answered questions about the graph. Our Science class even involved Dr. Seuss. After reading Bartholomew and the Oobleck we made Oobleck and wrote about the substance. And in Art class we made a Cat in the Hat. The students had so much fun celebrating this beloved children's author. 

Here are pictures from this week's and last week's art projects: 

Have a wonderful weekend!

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