Saturday, February 13, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Greetings on this bitterly cold Saturday morning! I hope everyone is staying warm, snuggling under blankets, and drinking hot chocolate. Spring will be here soon! 

Our Religion class this week focused on the season of Lent which began this past Wednesday. We talked about the meaning of the season and ways we can grow closer to God during this time. To help us grow closer to God, we made an Lenten calendar of things we can do each day at home. Here is a picture of our Lenten calendar: 

In Language Arts class this week, we learned how to blend and read words with comparative endings as well as words with -dge. We also learned new sight words. All of this helped us as we read our story Where Are My Animal Friends? The students especially enjoyed this story since it was a play. They enjoyed playing the different characters as we read it. While reading this story we focused on the reading skill sequence. 

In Grammar this week, we practiced identifying and writing contractions for not. They really are experts on contractions! 

We did several things in writing this week. Together we wrote a persuasive paragraph on why we love camping. The students realized that paragraph writing is really not hard. We also wrote steps we will do to keep our teeth healthy. In addition we wrote facts about Abraham Lincoln. With the last two writing pieces we added it to a craft project. Here is how they turned out: 

During Math class this week, we continued to practice our adding doubles plus 1 facts. We also learned how to solve two to-digit addition problems without using our dimes and pennies. Next, we practiced identifying how many more on a graph. Then we learned how to make congruent shapes. We learned that congruent means the same size and the same shape. 

On Friday, we celebrated Valentine's Day by doing many wonderful and exciting activities. We did two science experiments using candy hearts. First we predicted whether candy hearts would float or sink. We then tried it out. In case you are wondering, the hearts sank. We then placed candy hearts in water, vinegar, and soda to observe what would happen over time. For Math, we practiced sorting and graphing candy hearts. Then it was time to pass out our Valentine's. The bags were quite filled with love by the end of the day!

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Valentine's Day! 

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