Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Last Week of April!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. I don't know about you, but this week flew by. I can hardly believe that it is the weekend. 

We spent time in Religion class this week looking at the Church's greatest celebration: the Mass. We looked at each part of the Mass and learned different responses we say. This is just the beginning of learning the Mass parts. Next year, they will dive deeper into each part as the students prepare for First Holy Communion. 

We became detectives in Language Arts class this week. Our story, Dot and Jabber, was about two mice detectives. We went along with them as they solved the great acorn mystery. Needless to say, the students enjoyed their roles as detectives this week. To help us read the story, we learned how to blend and read words with the vowel sound in book and words with inflected endings. We also spent time with the strategy of comparing and contrasting. Grammar class was mostly a review of how to write sentences correctly. And in Writing, we learned how to write a narrative paragraph. 

Math class was full of new learning this week. We began the week by learning how to draw and measure line segments to the nearest centimeter. We then learned characteristics about two new geometric solids: the cylinder and the cube. Finally, we learned new subtraction facts, the difference of one facts. 

We did take a break mid week to watch the Spring concert. We left with smiles on our faces after hearing such beautiful music and singing. Congratulations to all who participated in the concert. It was a job well done!

The rainy weather took us to the gym this week for gym class. Students had fun playing a game called "Monsters". They had to run to the nearest hoop on a whistle and make their loudest monster voice. Noise could be heard all the way up the steps! 

In Social Studies class we wrapped up our study of economics. And in Science class we learned that magnets are attracted to or repel from objects. Students were given a magnet and had to find objects in the classroom that it is attracted to and repels from. 

We ended the week with Art class. This week we made butterflies. Students glued pieces of tissue paper to make the wings. They look beautiful. I'll post pictures next week once they are hanging in the classroom. 

Here is a picture of the birdies we made last week. 

Have a wonderful week! 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Fabulous Week!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and had a fabulous week. We had a wonderful week of learning and fun in first grade!

In Religion class this week, we learned about the Eucharist. We read the story of the Last Supper were Jesus shared a meal of bread and wine with his disciples. We said that we remember what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper every time we go to Mass and celebrate the Eucharist. Finally, we talked about how the bread and wine become Jesus' Body and Blood. 

Language Arts class was full of new learning this week. We learned how to blend and decode words with the diphthong ou and with syllables VCV. This week we focused on sequencing as we read our story Mole and the Baby Bird which is about a Mole who found a baby bird and try to keep it as a pet before deciding that it needed to be free. All agreed that Mole did the right thing by letting the bird go. This week in grammar we talked about exclamations and practiced writing exclamation sentences. In writing, we wrote an informative paragraph on sharks. 

During Math class this week, we learned and practiced 4 new addition facts. We also learned how to add 3 single digit numbers. In addition, we practiced writing observations we observed when looking at a graph. Finally, we learned and practiced counting dimes, nickels, and pennies. 

For gym class this week, we went outside to the playground for some exercise fun with our friends. In Social Studies, we talked about how goods get to market; we particularly studied how oranges go from field to the store. In Science class, we learned that objects move through either a push or a pull. Students worked in groups to construct a maze. They then had to blow a ping-pong ball through the maze. They enjoyed this push/pull experiment. 

We ended the week with Art class. This week we made birds in a nest. I'll post pictures next week once they are displayed in the hall. 

Have a fabulous week! 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Spring has Sprung!

Greetings! I think spring has finally sprung this week after one last round of winter weather. It is so nice to see the sun shining and all of the green sprouting up. I hope you too are enjoying the beautiful spring weather. 

In Religion class this week, we focused on one word: forgiveness. We read the story of the Forgiving Father, talked about how God is always ready to forgive us, and briefly studied the sacrament of Penance. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read words with diphthong ow and words with syllables C+le. All of this new knowledge helped us when we read Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! The students loved this story; you know when a story is a hit when they want to play the characters at recess! While reading this story, we focused on the comprehension skills of character, setting, and plot. Our focused switched this week in Grammar. This week we learned all about command sentences. And in writing, we wrote an informative paragraph on dolphins. 

In Math class this week, we learned four new addition facts and practiced learning the answers to these facts. We also learned characteristics of two geometric solids, the cone and the sphere. Next, we used bills to show the cost of various objects. Finally, we learned how to round to the nearest multiple of ten. 

With the beautiful weather outside, we took gym class to the playground. We enjoyed the sun and the time playing with our friends. In Social Studies class, we learned about why people work. And in Science, we reviewed what we studied about sound, light, and heat. 

Finally, after a week of hard work, it was time for Art class. This week, we made umbrellas with raindrops. We used scrapbook paper for the umbrella and added string with raindrops to make it look like it is raining. I love how they turned out! 

Here are pictures from this week's art project and last week's one. 

Enjoy the weekend! 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Where Has Spring Gone?

Greetings on this cold, snowy Saturday! I keep asking myself 'Where has spring gone?' Despite the unseasonable weather, first grade had a great week of learning!

In Religion class this week, we talked about how we received the Light of Christ when we were baptized. We also talked about Jesus' call for us to be peacemakers and ways to be peacemakers. This led to the discussion of how we can make loving choices. We did take a break from studying to attend Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday. It is always nice to spend some quiet time praying to Jesus at the start of our day. 

The story Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House was a huge hit in first grade this week. Not only did we read this story but we also read several other Henry and Mudge stories throughout the week. But before reading this story, we learned new sight words as well as new phonics skills. We practiced decoding words with suffixes -ful and -ly and words with the vowel sound in moon. We also practiced identifying cause and effect. In addition to all of these fluency and comprehension skills, we practiced identifying adjectives the compare in sentences, and we wrote an informative paragraph on koalas. 

This week in Math class we practiced and learned four new concepts. First, we spent time learning the adding 9 facts. Then, we learned how to identify one half, one third, and one sixth of an object. Next, we learned about the comparison symbols (<,>, =). Finally, we talked about dividing a set of objects fairly. It was one busy week in Math class. 

For gym class this week, we rocked out to Rockin' Aerobics. Our hearts were beating by the end of class. In Social Studies, we talked about the difference between buying, trading, and saving. And in Science, we learned about objects that give off heat. 

In Art class this week, we made spring flowers using cupcake liners. The students painted grass, stems, the sky, clouds and sun before adding the cupcake liners as the flower. I'll post pictures next week once everything has dried. It was odd making flowers while snow was flying. Hopefully, spring will return next week! 

Here is a picture from last week's Art class. Enjoy your weekend! 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Easter!

Greetings! Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter. The students were quite excited on Tuesday to tell me all about their Easter baskets. I loved hearing everyone one of them. 

Our focus this week in Religion was the Easter story. We read the Easter story and talked about the Easter season. On Thursday, the students designed their own Easter Sunday scene. They were so creative. Here is just one example: 

In Language Arts class we spent time reviewing and practicing this week. We reviewed our phonics skills particularly reading compound words and the vowels ew, ui, and ue. Knowing this helped us as we read Peter's Chair. While reading this story we again practiced describing the characters, setting, and plot. In addition to working on our fluency and comprehension skills, we also worked on our grammar and writing skills. We practiced identifying adjectives for how many in sentences. We wrote our very first informative paragraph on cheetahs and wrote about bunnies. We added some extras around our bunny writing. Have a look: 

During Math class this week, we learned how to measure using feet. We also learned new addition facts: the adding 9 facts. Finally, we learned how to write money amounts using the dollar sign. 

For Gym class this week, we went outside to the playground. Even though it was a tad windy, the sunshine and warm breeze made for an enjoyable time with our friends. In Social Studies class we learned the difference between goods and services. And in Science class, we learned that shadows are made when something blocks the light. 

As usual we ended our week with Art class. This week we made bunnies. Students painted a bunny white. We then added some glitter and a cotton tail to make them extra special. I'll post pictures next week once they are all dried and on display. 

Enjoy your weekend. Stay warm! Let's Go Bucs!