Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Easter!

Greetings! Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter. The students were quite excited on Tuesday to tell me all about their Easter baskets. I loved hearing everyone one of them. 

Our focus this week in Religion was the Easter story. We read the Easter story and talked about the Easter season. On Thursday, the students designed their own Easter Sunday scene. They were so creative. Here is just one example: 

In Language Arts class we spent time reviewing and practicing this week. We reviewed our phonics skills particularly reading compound words and the vowels ew, ui, and ue. Knowing this helped us as we read Peter's Chair. While reading this story we again practiced describing the characters, setting, and plot. In addition to working on our fluency and comprehension skills, we also worked on our grammar and writing skills. We practiced identifying adjectives for how many in sentences. We wrote our very first informative paragraph on cheetahs and wrote about bunnies. We added some extras around our bunny writing. Have a look: 

During Math class this week, we learned how to measure using feet. We also learned new addition facts: the adding 9 facts. Finally, we learned how to write money amounts using the dollar sign. 

For Gym class this week, we went outside to the playground. Even though it was a tad windy, the sunshine and warm breeze made for an enjoyable time with our friends. In Social Studies class we learned the difference between goods and services. And in Science class, we learned that shadows are made when something blocks the light. 

As usual we ended our week with Art class. This week we made bunnies. Students painted a bunny white. We then added some glitter and a cotton tail to make them extra special. I'll post pictures next week once they are all dried and on display. 

Enjoy your weekend. Stay warm! Let's Go Bucs! 

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