Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Fabulous Week!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and had a fabulous week. We had a wonderful week of learning and fun in first grade!

In Religion class this week, we learned about the Eucharist. We read the story of the Last Supper were Jesus shared a meal of bread and wine with his disciples. We said that we remember what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper every time we go to Mass and celebrate the Eucharist. Finally, we talked about how the bread and wine become Jesus' Body and Blood. 

Language Arts class was full of new learning this week. We learned how to blend and decode words with the diphthong ou and with syllables VCV. This week we focused on sequencing as we read our story Mole and the Baby Bird which is about a Mole who found a baby bird and try to keep it as a pet before deciding that it needed to be free. All agreed that Mole did the right thing by letting the bird go. This week in grammar we talked about exclamations and practiced writing exclamation sentences. In writing, we wrote an informative paragraph on sharks. 

During Math class this week, we learned and practiced 4 new addition facts. We also learned how to add 3 single digit numbers. In addition, we practiced writing observations we observed when looking at a graph. Finally, we learned and practiced counting dimes, nickels, and pennies. 

For gym class this week, we went outside to the playground for some exercise fun with our friends. In Social Studies, we talked about how goods get to market; we particularly studied how oranges go from field to the store. In Science class, we learned that objects move through either a push or a pull. Students worked in groups to construct a maze. They then had to blow a ping-pong ball through the maze. They enjoyed this push/pull experiment. 

We ended the week with Art class. This week we made birds in a nest. I'll post pictures next week once they are displayed in the hall. 

Have a fabulous week! 

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