Saturday, April 16, 2016

Spring has Sprung!

Greetings! I think spring has finally sprung this week after one last round of winter weather. It is so nice to see the sun shining and all of the green sprouting up. I hope you too are enjoying the beautiful spring weather. 

In Religion class this week, we focused on one word: forgiveness. We read the story of the Forgiving Father, talked about how God is always ready to forgive us, and briefly studied the sacrament of Penance. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read words with diphthong ow and words with syllables C+le. All of this new knowledge helped us when we read Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! The students loved this story; you know when a story is a hit when they want to play the characters at recess! While reading this story, we focused on the comprehension skills of character, setting, and plot. Our focused switched this week in Grammar. This week we learned all about command sentences. And in writing, we wrote an informative paragraph on dolphins. 

In Math class this week, we learned four new addition facts and practiced learning the answers to these facts. We also learned characteristics of two geometric solids, the cone and the sphere. Next, we used bills to show the cost of various objects. Finally, we learned how to round to the nearest multiple of ten. 

With the beautiful weather outside, we took gym class to the playground. We enjoyed the sun and the time playing with our friends. In Social Studies class, we learned about why people work. And in Science, we reviewed what we studied about sound, light, and heat. 

Finally, after a week of hard work, it was time for Art class. This week, we made umbrellas with raindrops. We used scrapbook paper for the umbrella and added string with raindrops to make it look like it is raining. I love how they turned out! 

Here are pictures from this week's art project and last week's one. 

Enjoy the weekend! 

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