Saturday, April 9, 2016

Where Has Spring Gone?

Greetings on this cold, snowy Saturday! I keep asking myself 'Where has spring gone?' Despite the unseasonable weather, first grade had a great week of learning!

In Religion class this week, we talked about how we received the Light of Christ when we were baptized. We also talked about Jesus' call for us to be peacemakers and ways to be peacemakers. This led to the discussion of how we can make loving choices. We did take a break from studying to attend Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday. It is always nice to spend some quiet time praying to Jesus at the start of our day. 

The story Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House was a huge hit in first grade this week. Not only did we read this story but we also read several other Henry and Mudge stories throughout the week. But before reading this story, we learned new sight words as well as new phonics skills. We practiced decoding words with suffixes -ful and -ly and words with the vowel sound in moon. We also practiced identifying cause and effect. In addition to all of these fluency and comprehension skills, we practiced identifying adjectives the compare in sentences, and we wrote an informative paragraph on koalas. 

This week in Math class we practiced and learned four new concepts. First, we spent time learning the adding 9 facts. Then, we learned how to identify one half, one third, and one sixth of an object. Next, we learned about the comparison symbols (<,>, =). Finally, we talked about dividing a set of objects fairly. It was one busy week in Math class. 

For gym class this week, we rocked out to Rockin' Aerobics. Our hearts were beating by the end of class. In Social Studies, we talked about the difference between buying, trading, and saving. And in Science, we learned about objects that give off heat. 

In Art class this week, we made spring flowers using cupcake liners. The students painted grass, stems, the sky, clouds and sun before adding the cupcake liners as the flower. I'll post pictures next week once everything has dried. It was odd making flowers while snow was flying. Hopefully, spring will return next week! 

Here is a picture from last week's Art class. Enjoy your weekend! 

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