Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Happy Wednesday!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! We had an excellent day of learning in first grade today. 

In Religion class we began our first chapter which talks about God's creation. Today we talked about all of the things God created. We also learned that stories about God and Jesus are in a special book called the Bible. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed the letters k and u. We also looked at final ck. We needed some extra practice with final ck words so we read a short decodable reader. As always we practiced reading some sight words and built our comprehension skills by listening to stories. Today we focused on describing the characters in a story. 

In Math class today we looked at the attributes of circles and squares. The students did an excellent job finding circles and squares in the classroom. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day. Students need to wear their sneakers to school! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Wonderful Day!

Greetings! Today was a wonderful day in first grade. The students are getting into a routine and are enjoying learning and reviewing. I love seeing their smiles every morning! 

In Religion class today we finished our mini-retreat about the Creed. We talked about ways to love God, love others, and love ourselves. We prayed asking Jesus to help us show his love today. 

Language Arts was again full with reviewing. We reviewed the letters b, l, d, h, and e. We again practiced some sight words and worked on our comprehension skills. We listened for key details as we heard a selection about prairies, tundras, and rain forests. 

During Math class today, we practiced writing the numbers 2,3, and 7. 

Have a wonderful night!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Our First Monday!

Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend. From the sounds of the students today, it sounds like everyone did something exciting from visiting grandparents to visiting amusement parks to swimming. We had a good start to our first full week of school. 

In Religion class, we began a mini retreat on the Creed. We will be looking at and praying about how we can show our love for Jesus. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed the sounds associated with the letters c, f, and o. We also reviewed some sight words and practiced our comprehension skills by listening to two short stories. 

During Math class today we used linking cubes to build towers for the numbers 1-9. We also practiced counting forwards and backwards from 9. 

Before we knew it, it was time to go home. Have a great evening!  

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The End of Our First Week!

Greetings! It was a hot ending to our first week of school. It never fails to get warm again when school starts. We pushed through the heat and worked really hard in first grade. 

In Religion class we looked at the introductory chapter in our Religion book. We talked about things we will be learning and doing in Religion class this year. We ended class by drawing a picture of ourselves as a first grader!

Language Arts class was full of review again. We reviewed the letters p, t, n, r, and i and their sounds. We also reviewed some sight words learned in kindergarten. Finally, we worked on our comprehension skills by listening to a story and a poem and discussing both of them. 

During Math class today we practiced writing the numbers 1, 4, and 5. 

We had our very first science class of the year. We will begin the year by studying animals. Today we talked about the different ways to group animals. The students were then given pictures of animals and had to sort them into two groups. Most did those that fly and those that don't fly. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made pencils using construction paper. The students glued on the eraser and tip and then decorated their pencil. 

Below is a picture of some of the pencils they created. I am also posting a picture of the writing we did the first day of school when we read If You Take a Mouse to School. Enjoy! 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

On the Second Day of School!

Greetings! We had an a spectacular second day of school. We continue to work on routines and began reviewing things we learned in Kindergarten. 

We began our day with Religion class. We began by drawing two pictures, one with a pencil and one with a crayon. We decided that the best picture was the one with crayons. We then read The Crayon Box that Talked. After reading, we talked about how we are like the crayons in the story. We are all different but together we make up a class that will work together. We ended by writing something that is unique about ourselves. 

In Language Arts class today we reviewed concepts from kindergarten. We reviewed the letter sound for m, s, and a. We also reviewed some sight words. 

During Math class today, we used linking cubes to show the numbers 1-5. We then practiced coloring towers to match the number. Tonight, the students have their first homework assignment; they are quite excited about this. Please check over it and return it to school tomorrow. 

And in Social Studies today we talked about our families. We discussed ways we help our family and things our families have taught us. 

The highlight today was gym class. We headed outside to enjoy fun in the sun with our friends. 

Tomorrow's highlight will be Art class. Have a wonderful night! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to First Grade! Thank you for stopping by to see and read about all the latest happenings in first grade. My hope is that you will check this blog regularly to discover all that is being learned in our classroom. I will publish updates daily and add pictures when appropriate. 

Today was an awesome start to the year. The students were so quiet and listened so well. We accomplished much on our first day. 

We began the day by unpacking and organizing our supplies and books. Thank you so much for all of your donations to the classroom. I was overwhelmed by your generosity today. 

We then read Chrysanthemum and talked about how everyone in the class has a special name and can do special things. Following that we created a class book titled Who Am I? where students wrote about their favorite things. 

Before lunch, we talked about school rules. We discussed why we have them and generated a list of class rules to follow. 

After lunch we did a little penmanship practice and had our first Math Meeting. During the Math Meeting, we reviewed the calendar and practiced counting. 

Next, we read If You Take a Mouse to School. We wrote about what we would do if we took a mouse to school and added our writing to a mouse craft. We ended the day by writing about our favorite part of our first day of school. 

I hope you have a wonderful night!