Thursday, August 25, 2016

On the Second Day of School!

Greetings! We had an a spectacular second day of school. We continue to work on routines and began reviewing things we learned in Kindergarten. 

We began our day with Religion class. We began by drawing two pictures, one with a pencil and one with a crayon. We decided that the best picture was the one with crayons. We then read The Crayon Box that Talked. After reading, we talked about how we are like the crayons in the story. We are all different but together we make up a class that will work together. We ended by writing something that is unique about ourselves. 

In Language Arts class today we reviewed concepts from kindergarten. We reviewed the letter sound for m, s, and a. We also reviewed some sight words. 

During Math class today, we used linking cubes to show the numbers 1-5. We then practiced coloring towers to match the number. Tonight, the students have their first homework assignment; they are quite excited about this. Please check over it and return it to school tomorrow. 

And in Social Studies today we talked about our families. We discussed ways we help our family and things our families have taught us. 

The highlight today was gym class. We headed outside to enjoy fun in the sun with our friends. 

Tomorrow's highlight will be Art class. Have a wonderful night! 

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