Saturday, August 27, 2016

The End of Our First Week!

Greetings! It was a hot ending to our first week of school. It never fails to get warm again when school starts. We pushed through the heat and worked really hard in first grade. 

In Religion class we looked at the introductory chapter in our Religion book. We talked about things we will be learning and doing in Religion class this year. We ended class by drawing a picture of ourselves as a first grader!

Language Arts class was full of review again. We reviewed the letters p, t, n, r, and i and their sounds. We also reviewed some sight words learned in kindergarten. Finally, we worked on our comprehension skills by listening to a story and a poem and discussing both of them. 

During Math class today we practiced writing the numbers 1, 4, and 5. 

We had our very first science class of the year. We will begin the year by studying animals. Today we talked about the different ways to group animals. The students were then given pictures of animals and had to sort them into two groups. Most did those that fly and those that don't fly. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made pencils using construction paper. The students glued on the eraser and tip and then decorated their pencil. 

Below is a picture of some of the pencils they created. I am also posting a picture of the writing we did the first day of school when we read If You Take a Mouse to School. Enjoy! 

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