Monday, August 29, 2016

Our First Monday!

Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend. From the sounds of the students today, it sounds like everyone did something exciting from visiting grandparents to visiting amusement parks to swimming. We had a good start to our first full week of school. 

In Religion class, we began a mini retreat on the Creed. We will be looking at and praying about how we can show our love for Jesus. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed the sounds associated with the letters c, f, and o. We also reviewed some sight words and practiced our comprehension skills by listening to two short stories. 

During Math class today we used linking cubes to build towers for the numbers 1-9. We also practiced counting forwards and backwards from 9. 

Before we knew it, it was time to go home. Have a great evening!  

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